Full Automated Wi-Fi Hacking Tool – Grey Hack

Full Automated Wi-Fi Hacking Tool – Grey Hack 1 - steamclue.com
Full Automated Wi-Fi Hacking Tool – Grey Hack 1 - steamclue.com

…thanks Nathan for programmin inspiration!
Too much hours… but I am happy! I had to share this wonderful tool!
1. network selection
2. auto-selection best of ACKs
3. ???


// start AIRMON

cryptools = include_lib("/lib/crypto.so")

print("[-] Welcome to automatic Wi♥♥♥♥ script by tihpuher & Nathan\n")
device = user_input("[+] Choose Interface: ")
if not device[0:4] == "wlan" then exit end if
print("\n[-] New State...\n")
cryptools.airmon("start", device)

// end AIRMON


// start modified IWLIST

networks = get_shell.host_computer.wifi_networks("wlan0")

bssid = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
pwr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
essid = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

i = 0
for network in networks
nw = network.split(" ")
bssid = nw[0]
pwr = nw[1]
strlen = nw[1].len
if strlen < 3 then
pwr = "0" + pwr
end if
essid = nw[2]
info = info + "\n" + "[" + i + "]" + " " + bssid + " " + pwr + " " + essid
i = i + 1
end for

print("[-] Choose BSSID & ESSID (more PWR is better)\n")
inres = user_input("\n[+] BSSID & ESSID (select NUM): ").to_int
b = bssid[inres]
p = pwr[inres]
e = essid[inres]
p = slice(p, 0, 2)
p = p.to_int

acks = 7000
if p == 1 then
acks = 300100
else if p == 2 then
acks = 150100
else if p == 3 then
acks = 100100
else if p == 4 then
acks = 75100
else if p == 5 then
acks = 60100
else if p == 6 then
acks = 50100
else if p == 7 then
acks = 43000
else if p == 8 then
acks = 37600
else if p == 9 then
acks = 33400
else if p == 10 then
acks = 30100
else if p == 11 then
acks = 27500
else if p == 12 then
acks = 25100
else if p == 13 then
acks = 23100
else if p == 14 then
acks = 21500
else if p == 15 then
acks = 20100
else if p == 16 then
acks = 18800
else if p == 17 then
acks = 17100
else if p == 18 then
acks = 16800
else if p == 19 then
acks = 16000
else if p == 20 then
acks = 15100
else if p == 21 then
acks = 14400
else if p == 22 then
acks = 13700
else if p == 23 then
acks = 13100
else if p == 24 then
acks = 12500
else if p == 25 then
acks = 12100
else if p == 26 then
acks = 11600
else if p == 27 then
acks = 11200
else if p == 28 then
acks = 10800
else if p == 29 then
acks = 10400
else if p == 30 then
acks = 10100
else if p == 31 then
acks = 9700
else if p == 32 then
acks = 9000
else if p == 33 then
acks = 9100
else if p == 34 then
acks = 8900
else if p == 35 then
acks = 8600
else if p == 36 then
acks = 8400
else if p == 37 then
acks = 8200
else if p == 38 then
acks = 7900
else if p == 39 then
acks = 7700
else if p == 40 then
acks = 7500
else if p == 41 then
acks = 7400
else if p == 42 then // 42 is ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything
acks = 7200
else if p >= 86 then // 86% for Putin
acks = 3500
else if p >= 75 then
acks = 4000
else if p >= 60 then
acks = 5000
else if p >= 43 then
acks = 7000
end if

// end modified IWLIST


// start AIREPLAY

print("[-] Your choice of access point: [" + bssid[inres] + "] [" + pwr[inres] + "] [" + essid[inres] + "]\n")
print("[-] Target ACKs for signal strength (PWR%): [" + acks + "]\n")
if acks <= 7000 then
print("[-] Estimated time: " + "1-2 minutes..." + "\n")
print("[-] Estimated time: " + "5-10 minutes, but if PWR low then wait so long..." + "\n")
end if

cryptools.aireplay(b, e, acks)
print("\n[-] Got Required amount of ACKs...")
print("[-] Waiting for file.cap to be written...\n")
print("[-] Cracking...\n")



// start AIRCRACK

capfile = current_path + "/file.cap"
print("[-] Pa*sword found successfully for " + essid[inres] + "\n")
get_shell.launch("/bin/aircrack", capfile)
print("\n[-] Stopping device monitoring...\n")


// start AIRMON

cryptools.airmon("stop", device)

// end AIRMON

// start CLEAN UP

capfile = get_shell.host_computer.File(current_path + "/file.cap")
confirm = user_input("Destroy file.cap (y/n): ")

if confirm == "Y" or confirm == "y" or confirm == "Yes" or confirm == "yes" then capfile.delete end if

print("\n[-] Goodluck young hacker! P.S. Thanks for the inspiration Nathan!\n")

// end CLEAN UP



Just a code of tool!

Written by tihpuher

This is all we can share for Full Automated Wi-Fi Hacking Tool – Grey Hack for today. I hope you enjoy the guide! If you have anything to add to this guide or we forget something please let us know via comment! We check each comment! Don’t forget to check SteamClue.com for MORE!

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