Workshop Content Guide – The Conquest of Go

Workshop Content Guide – The Conquest of Go 1 -
Workshop Content Guide – The Conquest of Go 1 -

This guide provides an overview for contributing new workshop content for The Conquest of Go


The Steam workshop enables users to upload their own content to share with others, such as tutorials, match commentary, joseki, and Go puzzles. It is recommended that users have some familiarity with SGF editors and .SGF files to create content for the workshop. The content should be a creation of their own, and should not contain any copyrighted material.
Users who wish to upload content to the Steam workshop must accept Steam’s Subscriber Agreement, which can be found here – [] .

Workshop Content

Each workshop item must include the following data in order to be uploaded.

  • Tutorial – The content is intended for teaching the user about Go. Content will be loaded the same as the tutorials in-game, with the text output displayed, but move tree and AI an*lysis features turned off.
  • Match – This content is intended for reviews or match commentary of Go matches. Content will be loaded the same as a completed saved match, with the text output, move tree, and AI an*lysis features enabled.
  • Puzzle – This content is intended for Go puzzles or tsumego which the player can solve. Content will be loaded the same as the fortification puzzles within the campaign mode, with only the text output displayed, and only allowing the player to progress by playing the moves themself or by asking for hints.
  • Joseki – This content is intended for showing sequences of moves exchanged in corners or for showing opening moves. Content will be loaded the same as the Opening Explorer data, allowing the player to use explore or play mode, and each possible next move will be denoted on the board with a specific letter.
  • Other – This type allows the user to specify a type of their own choosing, which will be applied as a tag within Steam. Content will be loaded the same as the Match type above.


SGF Guidelines

While creating .SGF files, any SGF editor that creates well formatted files should work, such as Sabaki – [] .
Beyond the typical move and setup properties within .SGF files, there are some important fields to display information which should be used to provide the best experience in-game.

  • Game Name (GN[]) – This field is used for titles of workshop content in grids, such as a tutorial name.
  • Game Comment (GC[]) – This field is used for descriptions of workshop content in grids, such as the tutorial description listed below the title.
  • Comment (C[]) – Text in this field will be displayed in the text output panel as each move is played.
  • Markup Properties – Circle (CR[]), Mark (MA[]), Square (SQ[]), Triangle (TR[]), Text (LB[]) – These properties are used to display markup on the board for a node. This for example could be used while explaining liberties and marking each liberty on the board.
  • Move Annotation Properties – Good for Black (GB[]) and Good for White (GW[]) – These properties should be used for puzzles/tsumego in order to denote which moves are a correct or incorrect solution to a puzzle. Using these will display the proper localized text in-game while solving puzzles and also enable the use of the “Show Correct Move” button.

The following .SGF features are currently not supported in-game and will be ignored.

  • Non-square board sizes (e.g. SZ[9:13])
  • Markup Properties – Arrows (AR[]), Lines (LN[]), Selected Points (SL[])
  • Move number (MN[])
  • Illegal Moves (KO[])
  • Timing Properties (BL[], OB[], OW[], WL[])
  • Restricted View (VW[])
  • Variation Display Type (ST[])


Testing Workshop Content

Prior to uploading content to the workshop, users should test their files within The Conquest of Go to ensure all is working as expected. This can be performed by following the steps below.

  1. Click the Learning Center button at the main menu of The Conquest of Go
  2. Click the Steam Workshop button
  3. Click the Test Item button
  4. Select the content type that matches your content and select the folder location of the .SGF files you would like to test
  5. Click the Test button
  6. Select one of the items you wish to test that was loaded within the grid
  7. This will load the content of the .SGF file and setup the scene according to the content type you’ve selected. From this point, the user can proceed with testing and reviewing the content.


Uploading a Workshop Item

  1. Click the Learning Center button at the main menu of The Conquest of Go
  2. Click the Steam Workshop button
  3. Click the Upload Item button
  4. Fill in the fields with appropriate values as described in the Workshop Content section of this guide.
  5. Click the Upload button.
  6. The files will be uploaded to Steam and you will be automatically subscribed to the new workshop item. It may take a short amount of time, but the workshop item will now be available for others to subscribe to within the Steam workshop.


Updating or Deleting a Workshop Item

  1. Click the Learning Center button at the main menu of The Conquest of Go
  2. Click the Steam Workshop button
  3. Click the Edit Item button
  4. Select a workshop item from the grid that you would like to edit.
  5. To delete the item, simply click the delete button at the bottom of the form.
  6. To update, check the checkbox next to any of the fields you wish to alter, and update the fields accordingly. When changing the files by selecting the content folder, you will also need to fill in a change note describing what was changed which will be displayed in a change log within Steam.
  7. Click the Update button and the changes will be submitted to Steam. It may take a short amount of time for the changes to be reflected within Steam.


Written by Wolfey Studios

I hope you enjoy the Workshop Content Guide – The Conquest of Go guide. This is all for now! If you have something to add to this guide or forget to add some information, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually!

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